Heather Marie Thompson

Heather Marie Thompson is 27 years old. She was born and raised in the Capital Region of New York. Her journey in pageantry started 7 years ago and in 2021 she captured her first international title with Miss Mission International. Heather is an advocate for mental health/illness awareness and she went most of her life undiagnosed with anxiety. Thompson is a supporter of medication and other treatments for mental illnesses and currently works as an Assistant Project Manager at a plumbing company.

She also has experience in interior design and would like to use this experience towards a successful future career in real estate. Heather Marie is most proud of her ability to adapt to any situation, and believes the adversity she has faced throughout her life has helped to shape her into someone who is resilient and able to to turn any situation into a prosperous opportunity. She is excited to start her journey as a pageant director in hopes to change young women’s lives for the better like pageant have done for herself.